Software for Engineering

Welcome to the irriapps project! We provide specialized software mainly for irrigation engineering, hydraulics, hydrology and agricultural engineering.

Software & info

This is our free software catalog:

GabbioniDesign of small gabion dams for soil conservation.
CoordinatesConversion between geographic coordinates and UTM projection.
Runoff CoefficientRunoff coefficient for watersheds using Mexican Norm NOM-011-CONAGUA-2015.
KML ToolRetrieve coordinates from Google Earth’s Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files.
Hydraulic EquationsA simple program for hydraulic equations.
Runcof Runoff coefficient for watersheds using Mexican Norm NOM-011-CONAGUA-2015 (Same as above but as a command line tool).
gdamslibPython 2 module to design small gabion dams.
NOTE: programs under “Development” or “Testing” categories are not recommended for usage in production environments, because their features are still being tested. Use “Stable” programs instead (if available).

Feel free to download, use, test and redistribute the programs. You can help us by giving some feedback.

Third Party Software

If you need a piece of software to do something different, please visit our software repository for irrigation.


Also there are some tutorials that you can consult: